Friday, August 21, 2009
Hello! I must say that this was an awesome day:D Those who came, i bet ya'll agree!(: Those who missed out, not to worry, there'll be more patrol days..next year/: but there'll still be patrol days ya, so dont be sad! we had lots of fun and i think we really bonded more. wei ting, you should really speak more, given the noisy patrol that you're in! but its okay, you were the only one from your level, i hope you enjoyed yourself!(: li ying, i could see that you really enjoy cycling. next time we go further and take less photos kay(: haha. Alicia and riffana, we didnt eat dinner together! but yea, we had fun(: okay, photo timeeeeee!:D
the two.
 ah the nicest photo ever!  jasmine, those who were there.  It was a long, long journey  cyclinggg, we went the furthest!
 woohoo!  and again.  i like this photo, it has sucha homely feeling doesn't it?(:  I rmb riffana tried to climb the slope thing. HAHA.  wei ting would want to kill me for this, but she wouldn't dare. HAHA,whoops!  laughing. after my 10 second marathon.
 the bougainvillea place thing.  riffana trying to look cool.  HOHO.  Li Ying. ahaha.  i was too hungry, so i decided to eat li ying's hair.  riffana.  alicia.  archana.  cool shadows(:  failed attempt. what's that black spec in the sky ah?  greaseeeee.  fountain.  breakwater.  the two again.  see the pretty cloud?(:  jasmine love(:  underpassss.  mirror.  riffana, alicia and riffana's open bag:O  downn.  distorted.  yay(: i love jasmine oh so much, don't you?(: